放牛: put cattle out to pasture; p ...班: class; team的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...严冬: severe winter放牛班的春天: chorists; les choristes; les chorsites; the choir boys; the chorus放牛班的春天电影原声: les choristes放牛班也有春天: les choristes放牛: cowboying; grazing cattle; pasture cattle; put cattle out to pasture放牛的: cowherd放牛郎: cowherd放牛人: person who looks after grazing cows放牛者: cowman; vaquero小放牛: a little cowherd; herd-boy; little buffalo cowboy; little cattle-breeding; little cowboy; little cowherd盛暑严冬: in sultry summer and in freezing winter严冬冰环: circle of winter frost_ring严冬酷暑: (through) hot summer and bitter winter严冬腊月: in harsh winter; it's now the twelfth month, the very middle of a bitterly cold winter走过严冬: farewell to death邻班的: the girl in the 0ther class上班的: on duty下班的: off duty歇班的: off duty值班的: attendant上班的,在值班的: on duty下班的,不值班的: off duty