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- 放心: set one's mind at rest; be a ...
- 一: one
- 博: abundant; plentiful; rich
- 放心: set one's mind at rest; be at ease; rest assured; rest one's heart; feel relieved [safe]: 对他不大放心 not quite trust him; 放心不下, 坐卧不宁 be in suspense, unable to sit down or sleep at ease; 看到这样的前景, 他们放心了。 they felt relieved at this prospect. 你放心吧, 我们会尽力而为的。 you can rest assured that we will do our best. 请放心吧! trust me. 他对这事很放心。 he is at ease about the matter
- 王一博: yi-bo wang