Seven and eight respectively build the state audit model , nongovermental audit model and the internal audit model . the state audit should properly fix its position to its management system , meanwhile , enhance its audit contents , improve its audit mothods , make perfect the sfate standards of audit , adopt concrete and effective measures to lay a solid foundation in orde to realize the goal of objective model . nongovernmental audit should re - lecate its position in the management structure , build in partnership the micro system of nongovenmental audit , strengthem the regualation and proffessional standards , and conform the nongovenmental audit to standards . internal audit should re - fix its position reasonably in its organiztion form , adopt countermeasures to exising problems which are caused by the present audit model , reform and re - o 第六、七、八章,主要论述了国家审计、民间审计、内部审计模式的构建,指出国家审计要对其管理体制进行合理定位,并且要进一步拓展审计内容,改进审计方法,完善国家审计准则,并为实现目标模式做好基础工作,采取更加切实有效的措施;民间审计要对其管理系统重新定位,建立合伙制的民间审计微观运行机制,加强完善民间审计法规和专业标准体系,规范民间审计的执业行为:内部审计要对其组织形式进行合理定位,对现有内部审计模式存在的问题采取对策、进行变革,重塑内部管理体制,使加强内部审计监督、健全内部审计制度成为管理者的自觉行为。