为: support; stand for应改称为免疫性血小板减少性紫癜: immune hrombocytopenic purpura称为: call; designate; entitle; go by the name of; hight; intitule; term年代改称“情景法”: situational language teaching把称为: term a b被称为: hight; went by the name of简称为: commercial film旧称为: aau名称为: driver.cab统称为: horror movie也称为: gun dog又称为: the crow; the southern crown则称为: ed foil自称为: give oneself out as give; give oneself out for give; give oneself out to be give被称为…的: known as famous被称为战盔: armet常误称为: ara caninde称为;打电话给: call称为大额牛: bos frontalis称为范宁: fanning称为风蛇: wind serpent称为佛郎机: franks称为高到低: htl称为畸胎: terate称为抗逆性: stress resistance