Yh series inorganic gel can be used alone . or mix use with thickening agent such as cardoxymethyl cellulose , hydroxy ethyl cellulose , cmhpc , will acquire best rheological property . it has been found that this kind of product should avoid mix using with the polyurethane thickening agent 2 . yh系列水性膨润土无机凝胶产品可单独使用或于其它增稠剂如羧甲基纤维素,羧乙基纤维素,甲基纤维素及其改性物,碱溶涨丙烯酸类等配合使用,能够使体协获得最佳流变性能。
The studies of phosphorus removal by adsorption are mainly focused on development of adsorbents , including cheap natural materials or industry solid wastes and their modification , traditional activated alumina and its modification , other porous materials and synthesized adsorbents according to their different applied situations 吸附法除磷的研究主要表现在吸附材料的研究方面,基于应用场合的差异,包括廉价的天然材料、工业废渣及其改性物、传统的活性氧化铝及其改性物、其他多孔物质及人工合成的高效吸附剂等。
Abstract : researches on unformaldehyde unironing finishing are summarized in this paper . functions and deficiencies of glyoralamido , water soluble heat reactive polyure thane , bishydroxyethyl - sulfoue , natural high precision chitosan , reactive organosilicon , amyloidosis epoxide , multiple carboxyl acid compound are also analyzed and compared 文摘:综述了无甲醛免烫整理方面的研究,分析比较了乙二醛-酰胺类整理剂、水溶热反应性聚氨酯、双羟乙基砜、天然高聚物壳聚糖、反应性的有机硅、淀粉改性物、环氧类整理剂、多羧酸化合物等无甲醛抗皱整理剂的功能以及各种整理剂存在的不足