改变: change; alter; transform; tu ...人生: life的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一天: a day改变人生的大学: colleges that changes lives一次改变人生的旅程: a life changing trip四字改变人生: text four words that changed a life人生的改变: life changes简单的举止改变人的一生: the power of your actions改变人类生活: transform / change human life变人: andrew martin; bicentennial man我们都被人生的一些所征服: we all caught uin the steam of this life; we all caught up in the steam of this life(人生的)盛衰,变迁: vicissitudes人生的阶段: stages of life人生的苦乐: the sweet and sour of life人生的乐趣: joys of life人生的历程: life's journey人生的赛事: the game of their lives人生的小站: the little stand of life人生的辛酸: the rub and worries of life; the rubs and worries of life人生的宴席: the feast of life人生的真谛: the true meaning of life宝贝的一天: baby's day out澄澈的一天: on a clear day村子的一天: a day of pororo's town pororo