- harvest
- 收获: gather in the crops; harvest ...
- 时节: season
- 总收获时间: overall harvesting time
- 时节: 1.(节令;季节) season 移植苗木的适当时节 the proper season for transplanting; 春耕时节 the season for spring ploughing ; 清明时节 at or around the qing ming festival; 开花时节 the season of flowers; 现在正是狩猎的好时节 . it is just the season for shooting now.2.(时候) time 那时节我们常去游泳. at that time we used to go swimming. 那时节她才十二岁. she was only twelve then
- 收获: 1.(取得成熟的农作物) gather in the crops; harvest; reap 在葡萄收获季节 at the grape harvest; 收获期间下雨了。 it rained during the harvest.2.(比喻心得、战果等) results; gains 一次很有收获的访问。 a most rewarding visit; 她的努力很有收获。 her efforts have been fruitfull.; her efforts have yielded good results.; 收获机 harvester; 收获量 harvest yield; yield; 收获率 yield rate; 收获面积 harvest area; 收获期[季节] harvest time; 收获物 cutting