收益: income; proceeds; profit; ea ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...综括: sum up性: nature; character; dispositi ...概念: concept; conception; notion; ...总括性概念: all-inclusive concept收益的自然增值概念: accretion concept of income否定式的综括结构: negative totality持续性概念: continuity concept定义性概念: defined concepts概率性概念: probabilistic concept关联性概念: i interdependency concept极性概念: polar concept可比性概念: comparability concept可靠性概念: r reliability concept稳健性概念: prudence concept相关性概念: r relevancy concept严重性概念: concept of gravity一致性概念: consistency concept重要性概念: materiality concept表象性概念化: representative conceptualization总括性收益表: all inclusive income statement; all inclusive type of income statement; all-inclusive type of income statement综括: sum up 综括起来 to sum up; to state succinctly; to summarize收益的分配: apportionment of income收益的决定: income determination