收: put away; take in油门: throttle; gas; gaun accelera ...到: 39慢车: slow train; milk train位置: seat; place; location; site收油门到慢车: retard the throttle to idle猛收油门到慢车: back the hard into idle throttle收油门到底: place the off throttle关节气门到慢车: close the to idle throttle推油门到止动位置: set power against the brakes收油门: chopping; closing of throttles; closure; cut back; cut the engine; cut the throttle throttle; reduce the throttle setting; roll the throttle off; throttle back the engine; throttle chop; to throttle back; trip back降到慢车功率: chop the; ease the power to idle; retard power to idle猛收油门: chop全收油门: close down the engine收油门速率: throttle retard rate收油门下降: coast downhill推油门到高转速: to race an engine开车位置: service position空车位置: empty wagon position停车位置: parking bay; parking stall; unoperated position收油门后控制试验: test of control at breakway小油门慢车工作: low-idle operation油门位置: throttle position; throttle setting停车位置计算: stopping position calculation停车位置静止位置: unoperated position