收入: income; revenue; receipts; g ...接受: accept; acceptance; receptio ...吸收: absorb; suck up; soak up; as ...接受,吸收: take in接受,吸收;了解,理解: take in欺骗,吸收,接受,招收: take in吸收入党: admit into the party氧吸收入: oxygen quotient接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗: take in吸收,接受,收留,领会,理解: take in接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括: take in使放出〔指吸收入相反的过程: desorb接受: accept; acceptance; reception; take; embrace 接受辞职 accept a resignation; 接受新事物 absorb what is new; 口头接受 verbal acceptance; 书面接受 written acceptance; 盲从地接受 slavishly accept; 接受判决 acceptance of judgment; 接受定货 execute [accept]an order; 接受教训 learn a lesson; 接受贿赂 on the take; 接受考验 face up to a test; 接受马克思主义 embrace marxism; 接受群众监督 subject oneself to supervision by the masses; 接受任务 accept an assignment; 接受邀请 accept an invitation; 接受业务 enter into commitments; 容易接受新思想 be readily receptive to new ideas; 这项建议被普遍接受。 the proposal found general acceptance. 爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受。 it took years for einstein's theory to gain acceptance.; 接受保险 acceptance of risk; 接受保证人 guarantee; 接受报盘 accept sb's offer; close with the offer; 接受标志 accepted flag; 接受部位 acceptor site; 接受承诺人 acceptee; 接受处罚 acceptance of punishment; 接受订单[定货] accept an order; 接受分配物资 allocatee; 接受国 recipient country; accepting state; 接受基因 receptor gene; 接受减价 close with an offer; 接受角 acceptance angle; 接受抗诉 acceptance of protest; 接受能力 reception; 接受判决 acceptance of a judgment; 接受赔偿人 indemnitee; 接受期票 acceptance of promissory notes; 接受器 receiver; dump tank; 接受书 instrument of acceptance; 接受条款 acceptance clause; 接受图 acceptance pattern; 接受序列 receiving sequence; 接受装置 receiving device收入: 1.(收进来的钱) income; revenue; receipts; gainings; earning; gross; proceeds; takings 财政收入 state revenue; 纯收入 net income; 低收入 low income; 浮动收入 fluctuating income; 个人收入 personal income; 固定收入 fixed income; 国民收入 national income; 年收入 yearly income; 人均收入 average per capita income; 收入高 earn a large income; 收入和支出 receipts and expenses; 现金收入 cash income; 月收入 monthly income; 总收入 gross income; 我那一年的收入达到1,000美元。 my income for that year amounted to 1,000 dollars.2.(收进来) take in; include 修订版收入许多新词语。 many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition.; 收入报告书 income statement; statement of earnings; 收入汇总 income summary; 收入利息 interest received; 收入量 volume of receipts; 收入帐户 account of receipts; 收入资金流动 income capital flow; 收入总额 gross income 吸收: 1.(吸到内部) absorb; suck up; soak up; assimilate; imbibe; draw; take-up 吸收水分 absorb [suck up] moisture; 吸收外资 absorb [import] foreign capital [funds]; absorb investment from abroad; absorb foreign investment; 吸收游资 absorb idle funds; absorb dormant capital; 吸收养分 assimilate nutriment; 吸收货币 absorb currency; 吸收科研成果 assimilate the results of scientific research; 吸收知识 absorb knowledge; imbibe knowledge; 吸收中西医之精华 absorb the best of both traditional chinese and western medicine; 吸收掌握引进技术 assimilate and master technology introduced from abroad; 干沙吸收水分。 dry sand absorbs water.2.(接受) recruit; enrol; admit 吸收入党 admit into the party; 吸收新成员 recruit new members; 吸收某人为会员 enrol sb. as a member of; 吸收存款 take deposits; attract deposits; make deposits3.[化学] sorption; [生物学] uptake; intake; 吸收光谱 absorption spectrum; 吸收率 absorptivity; absorption rate; absorptive power; absorbency; 吸收塔 absorption column; [工业] [化学] absorption tower; 吸收作用 [物理学] absorption effect接受机,接受器: receiver收入;收入传票: deposit被接受: go down不接受: disallow; non acceptance; nonacceptance; not acceptable; reject承兑,接受: acceptance和接受: acceptance接到,接受: receive接收;接受: accept接受, 接纳: receive into接受,承认: reception