收入: income; revenue; receipts; g ...经费: funds; outlay经费分类帐: appropriation ledger经费分配分类帐: allotment ledger岁入经费: annual income收入机关分类法: classification of income by organization unit收入事务分类法: classification of income by function收入税源分类法: classification of income by sources收入性质分类法: classification of income by character收入作用分类法: classification of income by function分配,经费分配: allotment经费分配: appropriation allotment; budget allocation经费分析: appropriation analysis月份经费分配: monthly allotment整笔经费分配: lump sum allotment整数经费分配: lump-sum allotment分类法: abc cla ification; abc cla ificiation; abc classification; abc classificiation; activity based cla ificatio abc; activity based classification abc; classification method; classification schema; grade-description system; group costing; group method; methodology; partition method; sorting technique; system of classification; taxonomy高收入经济体系: high income economy车间经费分配表: workshop expenses apportionment分摊,分派,整数经费分派: allocation经费分摊比额表: scale of assessment for the无定额经费分配: indeterminate appropriation经费收入: appropriation receipt统一运费分类: consolidated freight classification营业费分类帐: expenses book