支出: pay; expend; disburse结构: structure; composition; cons ...财政支出结构: fiscal expenditure structure; structure of fiscal expenditure产出结构: output structure导出结构: derived type structure导出结构图: derived structure chart输出结构: export structure; output structure投入产出结构: input output framework; input-output framework网络基本输入输出结构: net bios frame支出: 1.(付出去) pay; expend; disburse 支出十元钱 pay ten yuan2.(支付的款项) expenses; expenditure; outlay; disbursement 国防支出 expenditure on national defense; 行政管理支出 administrative expenditure; 追加支出 supplementary expenditure; 支出赤字 deficit spending; 支出节余 underexpenditure; 支出项目 outgo; 支出预算 appropriation budget; 支出帐户 account of payment; account of disbursement播出结束: close of transmission查出结核病: detect tuberculosis得出结论: arrival at a conclusion; arrive at a conclusion = come to a conclusion; come to a dicision; conclude―conclusion; concluding the topic; draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion; draw a conclusion得出结论, 推断: draw the conclusion得出结论,议定: conclude排出结石: discharge of stones提出结论: conclusions析出结晶: separate crystals out先讲出结果: give away the ending显出结节的: bosselated写不出结局: could not write the final outcome演出结束: the show is over say good-bye演出结束时: everyone applauded when the play ended引出结论: draw a conclusion作出结论: conclusion drawing; to form a conclusion