

  • to steer
  • :    hold; grasp
  • :    the side of a ship; board
  • 驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; ...
  • 操舷装置:    steering gear
  • 驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; helm; driving 驾驶飞机 pilot a plane; 驾驶轮船 pilot a ship; 驾驶拖拉机 drive a tractor; 酒后驾驶 drunk driving; 凭星辰辨向驾驶 steer by the stars; 小心驾驶! drive with caution!; 驾驶舱 [航空] control cabin; cockpit; pilot's compartment; 驾驶灯 driving light; 驾驶飞行 beam riding; 驾驶技能 driving efficiency; 驾驶盘 pilot wheel; steering wheel; handlewheel; helm; joystick; rudder wheel; 驾驶术 drivership; pilotage; pilot technique; 驾驶台 bridge; navigation bridge; 驾驶仪 [航空] pilot; 驾驶者 driver; 驾驶执照 driving license; driver's license


        :    hold; grasp
        :    the side of a ship; board
        驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; ...
        操舷装置:    steering gear
        驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; helm; driving 驾驶飞机 pilot a plane; 驾驶轮船 pilot a ship; 驾驶拖拉机 drive a tractor; 酒后驾驶 drunk driving; 凭星辰辨向驾驶 steer by the stars; 小心驾驶! drive with caution!; 驾驶舱 [航空] control cabin; cockpit; pilot's compartment; 驾驶灯 driving light; 驾驶飞行 beam riding; 驾驶技能 driving efficiency; 驾驶盘 pilot wheel; steering wheel; handlewheel; helm; joystick; rudder wheel; 驾驶术 drivership; pilotage; pilot technique; 驾驶台 bridge; navigation bridge; 驾驶仪 [航空] pilot; 驾驶者 driver; 驾驶执照 driving license; driver's license
        操航,驾驶:    to take the helm
        副驾驶:    assistant pilotpiston; co-pilot, first-officer; copilot; first officer
        会驾驶:    able to drive
        驾驶(船舶):    to navigate
        驾驶,掌舵:    steer v
        驾驶部:    drive section
        驾驶舱:    cockpit ; flight deck; control cabin; control comparison; flight cabin; flight compartment; kabin pilot; pilot cockpit; pilot's cockpit; pilot’s cockpit
        驾驶仓:    cockpit
        驾驶车:    steer a car
        驾驶灯:    driving light
        驾驶杆:    control column; control stick; control arm; driving handle; stick grip◇驾驶杆手柄 control stick grip
        驾驶间:    cockpit; operators cab
        驾驶课:    driving lessons
        驾驶轮:    steering wheel
        驾驶盘:    control handwheel; control yoke; driving wheel; handle; o handwheels; rudder wheel; steering wheel; yoke
        驾驶区:    sunshine roof
        驾驶人:    driver; operator
        驾驶室:    pilothouse; driver's cab; dricab; cabin; operator cabin; operator's compartment; steering room; wheelhouse
        驾驶术:    steersmanship
        驾驶台:    captain bridge; captains bridge; control bridge; navigating bridge; navigation bridge; open bridge; steering pedestal


  1. "操瓦立"英文
  2. "操瓦林"英文
  3. "操瓦纳西里"英文
  4. "操万"英文
  5. "操我"英文
  6. "操舷装置"英文
  7. "操向缝"英文
  8. "操向杆"英文
  9. "操向机"英文
  10. "操向机构"英文


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