

  • tamper with the voting machine
  • 操纵:    operate; control; roll; stee ...
  • 表决机器:    voting machine
  • 操纵机器:    operate machines
  • 机器操纵室:    machinery control compartment
  • 表决:    put to the vote; decide by vote; vote 表决通过 vote through; 唱名表决 vote by roll call; roll-call vote; 交付表决 put to the vote; take a vote; 举手表决 vote by a show of hands; 口头表决 voice vote; 起立表决 vote by sitting and standing; 投票表决 vote by ballot; 表决程序 voting procedure; 表决机器 voting machine; 表决系统 voting system; 表决元件 voting element;; 表决指示器 vote indicator; 表决制度 voting system


        操纵:    operate; control; roll; stee ...
        表决机器:    voting machine
        操纵机器:    operate machines
        机器操纵室:    machinery control compartment
        表决:    put to the vote; decide by vote; vote 表决通过 vote through; 唱名表决 vote by roll call; roll-call vote; 交付表决 put to the vote; take a vote; 举手表决 vote by a show of hands; 口头表决 voice vote; 起立表决 vote by sitting and standing; 投票表决 vote by ballot; 表决程序 voting procedure; 表决机器 voting machine; 表决系统 voting system; 表决元件 voting element;; 表决指示器 vote indicator; 表决制度 voting system
        争端解决机构:    di ute settlement body; dsb dispute settlement body; the dispute settlement body(dsb)
        争端解决机制:    di ute settlement mechanism; dispute settlement mechanism; dispute-settling mechanism; dsb dispute settlement body; dsm; dsu
        表决;投票:    voting
        表决权:    voting power; right to vote; vote 行使表决权 exercise the right to vote; 无表决权 have no right to vote; 有表决权 have the right to vote
        表决心:    express administer medicine to bring out the cold
        就…表决:    vote on
        机器:    1.(用来转换或利用机械能的机构) machine; machinery; engine 安装新机器 install new machinery; 拆卸机器 take a machine to pieces; 开动机器 start a machine; 试验机器 test a machine; 战争机器 the war machine; 这机器是自动控制的。 the machine is automatically controlled. 机器运转良好。 the machine works well. 这个工厂拥有很多机器。 the factory contains much machinery. 这机器是电动的。 the machinery is driven by electricity.2.(引申为机构) apparatus; organ 国家机器 state apparatus; state machine; 机器保养 machine attendance; machine attention; machine maintenance; machine upkeep; 机器操作 machine operation; hardware operation; 机器操作工 machineman; 机器打包 machine press-packing; 机器大工业 modern industry; mechanized big industry; large-scale mechanized industry; 机器翻译 [计算机] mechanical translation; machine translation; 机器房 engine house; engine room; machine house; machine room; kiosk; kiosque; 机器负荷 machine burden; 机器故障 machine fault; machine malfunction; machine error; breakdown of machinery; 机器零件 machine components; machine part(s); 机器设备 machine equipment; 机器识别 machine recognition; 机器语言 machine-oriented language; machine language; computer language; absolute language; 机器造型 machine moulding; 机器制造 machine building; machine manufacturing; 机器制造厂 engineering works; machine-building plant; 机器制造业 machine-building; industry; machine building; machine manufacturing
        熟练操纵机器的排挡和变速杆:    manipulate the gears and levers of a machine
        操纵:    1.(控制; 开动) operate; control; roll; steer 操纵机器 operate machines; 无线电操纵 radio control; 这架飞机有两套操纵装置。the airplane had dual controls.2.(支配;控制) rig; manipulate; govern 幕后操纵 manipulate from behind the scenes; pull strings; 操纵市场 rig the market; play [milk] the market; 操纵市价 control the market-price; 操纵表决机器 tamper with the voting machine; manipulate the voting; 他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。 they make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the stock market
        线上争端解决机制:    online adr
        单独表决, 分别表决:    separate votes
        被提交表决:    go to the vote; went to the vote
        表决;投票;选票:    vote
        表决报告:    report of voting
        表决程序:    voting procedure
        表决处理机:    voting processrs
        表决电路:    voting circuit
        表决多数:    majority of votes
        操纵别人:    manipulation of people
        操纵标准:    manoeuvring standard
        操纵别人的,老于世故的:    manipulative


  1. "操纵板"英文
  2. "操纵臂"英文
  3. "操纵臂轴"英文
  4. "操纵变量"英文
  5. "操纵标准"英文
  6. "操纵别人"英文
  7. "操纵别人的,老于世故的"英文
  8. "操纵柄"英文
  9. "操纵病毒"英文
  10. "操纵波束"英文


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