- tamper with the voting machine
- 操纵: operate; control; roll; stee ...
- 表决机器: voting machine
- 操纵机器: operate machines
- 机器操纵室: machinery control compartment
- 表决: put to the vote; decide by vote; vote 表决通过 vote through; 唱名表决 vote by roll call; roll-call vote; 交付表决 put to the vote; take a vote; 举手表决 vote by a show of hands; 口头表决 voice vote; 起立表决 vote by sitting and standing; 投票表决 vote by ballot; 表决程序 voting procedure; 表决机器 voting machine; 表决系统 voting system; 表决元件 voting element;; 表决指示器 vote indicator; 表决制度 voting system