Mental disorders due to acute disseminatecl encephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis 急性播散性脑脊髓炎和急性出血性白质脑炎所致精神障碍
Hematogenous spread of infection to lungs could occur from septicemia or from infective endocarditis involving the right side of the heart 血液播散性肺炎可由败血症或感染性心内膜炎引起。
This more focal abscess containing a neutrophilic exudate as well as dark blue bacterial colonies suggests aspiration or hematogenous spread of infection to the lung 就如同深蓝色细菌菌落暗示存在肺吸入性或血液播散性炎症一样,更局限化的脓肿灶包含嗜中性细胞。