- kill the resolution
- 撤销: cancel; rescind; revoke; ann ...
- 决议: result; resolution
- 取销决定, 撤销裁定: recall a decision
- 决议: result; resolution 撤销决议 cancel a resolution; revoke a resolution; 反对决议 oppose [object to; be against] a resolution; 接受决议 accept a resolution; 拒绝决议 reject a resolution; 起草决议 draft a resolution; 提出决议 offer a resolution; 对决议投赞成票 vote for or in favour of a resolution; 这项决议在掌声中获得通过。 the resolution was carried [passed; adopted] amid applause.; 决议 (草)案 draft resolution
- 撤销: cancel; rescind; revoke; annul; repudiation; rescission; vanishing (程序教学用语) 撤销处分 rescind [annul] a penalty; 撤销定货单 recall an order; 撤销订单 cancel an order; 撤销发盘 cancel an offer; 撤销法令 repeal a decree; 撤销决议 annul a decision; 撤销买卖合同 recede from a bargain; 撤销命令 countermand an order; 撤销判决 recall a judgement; recall of judicial decisions; 撤销其职务 dismiss a person from his post; 撤销起诉 quash an indictment; 撤销上诉 abandonment of appeal; 撤销限定继承权(地产等) dock the entail; 撤销宵禁令 lift the curfew; 撤销委托 cancel a power of attorney; 撤销邀请 withdraw an invitation; 撤销原计划 rescind the original plan; 撤销原判 disaffirmance; disaffirmation; 这已经不能撤销了。 it's gone beyond recall.; 撤销承兑 revocation of an acceptance; 撤销合同 cancellation of a contract; 撤销合同日期 cancelling date [days]; 撤销条款 cancellation clause; 撤销信号 cancel message; 撤销语句 cancel statement