撞见: meet or discover by chance; ...发现: find; discover某人: a certain person正在: in process of; in course of做不好: can not do it well的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...事情: affair; matter; thing; busin ...发现某人正在做某事: find sb doing sth看某人正在做: see sb doing当场捉住某人正在做坏事: catch somebody red-handed看见某人正在做某事: see sb doing sth不好的事情发生了: shit happens组织得不好的事情: a badly organized event发现某人: i found someone发现…正在做某事: find sb/ sth doing sth做不完的事情: 56.so many things to do; so many things to do在做不可告人的事: veronica: kane’s got something on the side doesn’t he kane美好的事情: the sweetest thing最好的事情: the best thing发现某人的才能: discover sb s talent发现某人犯错误: to catch one out发现某人做某事: find sb doing sth什麽事都做不好的: unable to do anything well helpless not capable停止正在做的事: stodoing sth很多不好的事情在我的生命中: i did some bad things in my life