撒施: spread fertilizer over the f ...处理: deal or cope with撒施: [农业] spread fertilizer over the fields; broadcast (fertilizer)航空设施处: directorate of installations基础设施处: infrastructure branch空军设施处: air installation office野外实施处: field operations branch运动设施处: department of sports facilities氮肥撒施机: nitrogen application; nitrogen applicator肥料撒施: broadcast application; broadcast method肥料撒施机: fertilizer spreader化肥撒施机: chemical applicator厩肥撒施机: manure distributor凯撒施图尔: kaiserslautern撒施距离: broadcasted distribution space石灰撒施机: lime sower; lime spreader凯撒施图尔山: kaiserstuhl撒施白僵菌剂: bbr飞行设施处处长: director of flight facilities肥料定点撒施装置: fertilizer apparatus placement; fertilizer placement apparatus粒状肥料撒施机: granular applicator液体肥料撒施器: liquid manure distributor在耙地之后撒施: broadcasting followed disking阿克塞尔凯撒施普林格: axel caesar springer处理: 1.(安排; 解决) handle; deal with; dispose of; manage; manipulate; settle 处理国家大事 conduct state affairs; 处理垃圾 dispose of rubbish; 处理人民来信 handle letters from the people; 处理日常事务 handle day-to-day work; deal with routine matters; 处理污水 dispose of sewage; 处理遗留问题 settle the remaining problems; 处理争端 adjudicate a dispute; 恰当地处理各种复杂事务 deal properly with all kinds of complicated matters; 正确处理人民内部矛盾 correctly handle contradictions among the people; 法院处理违法的人。 the courts deal with those who break the law.2.(变价、减价出售) sell at reduced prices 处理积压商品 sell old stock at reduced prices3.[工业] (用特定方法加工) treatment; processing; process; treat by a special process 热处理 heat treatment; 用硫酸处理 treat with sulphuric acid4.[医学] (处置) disposal; handling; management; cure; treating