摘: pick; pluck; strip; take off出: used as a complement钩: hook眼: eye摘出钩: extraction hook剜出钩(眼): enucleation hook泪囊摘出钩: lacrimal sac enucleation hook眼球摘出钩: enucleation hook; enumcleation hook眼: Ⅰ名词1.(眼睛) eye 瞪了他一眼 give him a hard look; 假眼 artificial eye; 两眼无神 with dull eyes; 亲眼所见 see with one's own eyes; 瞥了他一眼 shoot a glance at him; 一夜没合眼 have not slept a wink the whole night; 独眼总比全瞎好。 better to have one eye than be blind altogether. 她两眼含泪。 her eyes were wet with tears.2.(小洞; 窟窿) small hole; aperture 打个眼 bore a hole; 耳朵眼儿 earhole; 泉眼 the mouth of a spring; 网眼 mesh (of a net); 针眼 the eye of a needle; 炮眼 porthole; borehole; 钮眼 buttonhole3.(事物的关键所在) key point 节骨眼儿 critical juncture4.[围棋] (成片的白子或黑子中间的空儿) trap5.(戏曲中的拍子) an unaccented beat in traditional chinese music 一板三眼 one accented beat and three unaccented beats in a bar6.(姓氏) a surname 眼宁 yan ningⅡ量词(用于井等) 两眼井 two wells; 这眼泉干涸了。the spring has run dry 摘出: distil凸出钩: projecting hook眼,眼胞: oculus ocular system缝线推出钩: hook for pull out threads内障挤出钩: cataract expressor hook摘出的: enucleate摘出器: enucleator; extractor摘出术: ectirpation; enucleation; extraction节育环取出钩: intrauterine device extractive hook; removing hook for contraceptive ring输精管提出钩: elevating hook for spermatic duct倍他洛尔(眼): betaxolol地匹福林(眼): dipivefrin美替洛尔(眼): metipranolol脑-眼-面-骨骼: cerebro-oculo-facial-skeletal前房液(眼): aqueous humour眼-感觉反射: oculo-sensory reflex