摔机着陆: crash-landing时机: opportunity; an opportune mo ...组成: form; make up; compose; form ...员: a surname位置: seat; place; location; site摔机着陆时的撞击: crash-landing impact起飞时机组值班员位置: takeoff station摔机着陆地带: crash landing strip使航空器摔机着陆: to crash-land the aircraft摔机着陆的飞机: crash-landed aircraft机组成员: crew member; crewman; flyer摔机着陆后防止起火: post crash fire prevention额外机组成员: extra crew member飞机机组成员: aircraft crewmember机组成员,空勤人员: flight crew被击落飞机机组成员: downed airman伯了战斗准备的机组成员: combat-capable crew member着陆时刻: landing time队员位置: the positions of players发球员位置: position of receiver(server)飞行员位置: pilot station话务员位置: attendant positions学员位置: student station运动员位置: play’s position单机着陆: single-plane landing; solo landing