No goodwill results from the combination , the use of the pooling accounting method generally allows the acquiring company to report higher earnings immediately after acquisition , because the target ' s original accounting costs , less accumulated depreciation , usually are significantly lower than the current fair market value of the target ' s assets , similarly , for subsequent periods , pooling allows the purchaser to avoid depreciating , or reducing from reported income , the full value of the acquired company , and thus to report higher earnings than would be yielded by the purchase method 同时,由于企业并购不是购买行为,没有购买价格,也就不存在购买成本超过净资产公允价值的差额,即商誉。由于目标公司的账面原值减去折旧后的差额通常低于市场价值,因此采用权益联营法会使企业在并购后反映较多的收益这是因为在以后期间,由于采用权益联营法的资产价值低于购买法下的资产价值,这就造成其折旧摊销费武汉理工大学硕士学位论文用低于采用购买法的各项摊销费用,因此采用权益联营法的收益将高于采用购买法下的收益。