

  • dismiss those who hold different opinions
  • 摈斥:    reject; dismiss
  • 异己:    dissident; alien
  • 排斥异己:    remove those who disagree with sb.; exclude outsiders; exclude [discriminate against] those who hold different views from sb.; get rid of those who disagree with sb.; get rid of those who hold a view different from one's own or who do not conform with one's ideas; push aside people with different views
  • 支持论点,驳斥异己:    supporting your position and refuting others
  • 摈斥:    reject; dismiss 摈斥异己 dismiss those who hold different opinions; 摈斥原则 exclusion principle


        摈斥:    reject; dismiss
        异己:    dissident; alien
        排斥异己:    remove those who disagree with sb.; exclude outsiders; exclude [discriminate against] those who hold different views from sb.; get rid of those who disagree with sb.; get rid of those who hold a view different from one's own or who do not conform with one's ideas; push aside people with different views
        支持论点,驳斥异己:    supporting your position and refuting others
        摈斥:    reject; dismiss 摈斥异己 dismiss those who hold different opinions; 摈斥原则 exclusion principle
        异己:    dissident; alien 阶级异己分子 class alien; alien-class element; 排除异己 discriminate against those who hold different views; get rid of dissidents
        摈斥带:    exclusion band
        摈斥原则:    exclusion principle
        异己醇:    isohexyl alcohol
        异己基:    isohexyl
        异己醛:    isocaproaldehyde
        异己炔:    isobutyl acetylene
        异己酸:    isocaproic acid
        异己酮:    hexone
        异己烷:    isohexane
        异己烯:    isohexene
        异己腈:    isocapronitrile
        关鞋调低;拒绝,摈斥:    turn down
        不容异己:    [社会学] intolerance
        次异己基:    isohexylidyne
        排除异己:    get rid of dissidents
        酮异己酸:    ketoisocaproate
        消除异己:    liquidate those not of one's own ilk
        亚异己基:    isohexylidene
        异己氨酸:    leucine



  1. "宾岑巴赫"英文
  2. "宾岑赫费尔"英文
  3. "摈"英文
  4. "摈斥"英文
  5. "摈斥带"英文
  6. "摈斥原则"英文
  7. "摈除"英文
  8. "摈除繁文缛节"英文
  9. "摈除障碍"英文
  10. "摈而不用"英文


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