万万: absolutely; wholly岁: year摇滚万岁: i love rock & roll (j-star); this is spinal tap万万岁: the big green女佣万万岁: maid to order足球万万岁: the big green大王万岁万岁万万岁: long live my lord祖先大人万万岁: gosenzosama banbanzai万万: 1.(绝对, 用于否定) absolutely; wholly 万万不可粗心大意 must never be negligent; 我万万没有想到。 this idea never occurred to me. 当然那是万万不可能的。 of course it's absolutely impossible.2.(数目, 一万个万) hundred million万岁: 1.(千秋万世, 永远存在) long live 全世界人民大团结万岁! long live the great unity of the people of the world!2.(指皇帝) the emperor; your majesty (对皇帝的直接称呼); his majesty (对皇帝的间接称呼)摇滚: acid rock; make it rock; rock &roll; rock and roll; rock&roll; rock'n roll; shake rattle and roll; shake, rattle & roll丁万万: ding wanwan十万万: milliard呼万岁: viva万岁!好啊!: huzza万岁报: mabuhay万岁崖: banzai cliff千千万万: thousands on [upon] thousands of; thousands and thousands of; thousands and tens of thousands; tens of thousands of; myriads of; millions upon millions of情人四万万: lover of the world十万万赫: gigahertz十万万瓦: gigawatt四万万人民: les 400 millions; the 400 million万万不可: dont; it is a no-no; it’s a no no万万千野: takemata夜心万万: brian haha; sbs