He was ordered to cut down his daily consumption of food . 他遵嘱减少自己每天摄入的食物量。
The response reaches a plateau when large meals are taken . 当摄入的饭食量很大时,这种效应会达到高峰。
Physiologists so far have shown that six of them are affected by eating certain foods . 生理学家至今已经发现,其中六种是受着摄入某些食物的影响。
Dorian gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume . 道林格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。
Once the receptor has seized a molecule, it binds the molecule to the cell surface from where it is taken into the cell . 一个受体一旦钩上了一个分子,就把那个分子固定在细胞表面,然后从那里把它摄入细胞内。