

  • transporting erosive velocity
  • 搬运:    carry; transport; flitting
  • 侵蚀:    corrode; erode
  • 速度:    velocity; speed; blast; bat
  • 河流搬运侵蚀:    flurosion
  • 侵蚀速度:    eroding velocity; erodsion rate; erosion rate; erosion velocity; erosive velocity


        搬运:    carry; transport; flitting
        侵蚀:    corrode; erode
        速度:    velocity; speed; blast; bat
        河流搬运侵蚀:    flurosion
        侵蚀速度:    eroding velocity; erodsion rate; erosion rate; erosion velocity; erosive velocity
        海岸侵蚀速度:    rate of coastal erosion
        侵蚀速率:    erosion rate; rate of attack; rate of erosion
        海岸侵蚀速率:    rate of coastal erosion
        腐蚀速度:    corrosion penetration rate; corrosion rate; corrosion speed; corrosion velocity; rate of corrosion
        腐蚀速度比:    etch ratio
        浸蚀速度:    etch rates
        溶蚀速度序:    dissolutionrate sequence
        烧蚀速度:    ablation velocity
        腐蚀速度特性:    rate-dependent character of corrosion
        烧蚀速度变慢:    ablative lag
        微分腐蚀速度:    differential etch rate
        型半导体腐蚀速度:    n etch rate
        搬运速度:    transport velocity
        n 型半导体腐蚀速度:    n etch rate
        搬运:    carry; transport; flitting◇搬运费 cartage; portage; stevedorage; porterage; shifting charge; removal expenses; 搬运工 truck man; porter; docker; 搬运工人 porter; docker; stevedore; 搬运货物合同 removal bond; 搬运货物许可证 removal permit; 搬运架 truck; 搬运能力 competence; 搬运箱 tote box; 搬运钟 clock carrying
        侵蚀:    corrode; erode 土壤侵蚀 coast [soil] erosion; 风雨的侵蚀 erosion by wind and rain; 抵制资产阶级思想的侵蚀 resist the corrosive influence of bourgeois ideology; 海洋侵蚀陆地。 the sea erodes the land.; 侵蚀冲断层 erosion thrust; 侵蚀地形 erosional land-form; 侵蚀度 erosiveness; erodibility; 侵蚀构造 etching structure; 侵蚀海岸 erosion coast; 侵蚀剂 etchant; etching agent; etching reagent; 侵蚀力 agent of erosion; 侵蚀率 erosion ratio; 侵蚀面 [地质学] erosion surface; 侵蚀平原 destructional plain; erosion plain; 侵蚀土 eroded soil; erosion soil; 侵蚀土壤 washed off soil; 侵蚀液 etchant; 侵蚀作用 erosion; erosion effect
        剥蚀速率:    denudation rate; rate of denudation
        冲蚀速率:    erosion rate
        点腐蚀速率:    pitting rate
        腐蚀速率:    corrosion rate; corrosion velocity; etch rate; rate of corrosion


  1. "搬运木材工人"英文
  2. "搬运能力"英文
  3. "搬运起重机"英文
  4. "搬运器"英文
  5. "搬运钳"英文
  6. "搬运群体"英文
  7. "搬运人"英文
  8. "搬运人运输车"英文
  9. "搬运沙粒许可证"英文
  10. "搬运设备"英文


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