

发音:   用"搬弄学问"造句
  • show off one's erudition
  • 搬弄:    move sth. about; fiddle with
  • 学问:    learning; knowledge; scholar ...
  • 买弄学问:    parade one's knowledge
  • 卖弄学问:    show off one's learning [knowledge]; parade one's knowledge; be pedantic 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。 the book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry
  • 卖弄学问的:    pedantic


        搬弄:    move sth. about; fiddle with
        学问:    learning; knowledge; scholar ...
        买弄学问:    parade one's knowledge
        卖弄学问:    show off one's learning [knowledge]; parade one's knowledge; be pedantic 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。 the book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry
        卖弄学问的:    pedantic
        卖弄学问地:    pedantically
        好卖弄学问的女人:    blue stocking
        搬弄:    1.(翻动; 搬动) move sth. about; fiddle with 别搬弄枪栓。 don't fiddle with the rifle bolt.2.(卖弄) show off; display 搬弄学问 show off one's erudition
        无趣而好卖弄学问的演讲人或作家:    dryasdust
        这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问:    the book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry
        学问:    learning; knowledge; scholarship 学问高深的人 a man of great learning; an erudite scholar; 大有学问 take a lot of learning; 做学问 engage in scholarship; do research; 别看种菜好像没啥, 其实大有学问。 growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning
        爱搬弄是非:    talebearing
        搬弄是非:    stir up enmity; carry [tell] tales; make mischief (between); sow discord; talebearing [bearing tales]: 他不该在同志们之间搬弄是非。 he shouldn't have carried tales among his comrades
        搬弄是非者:    taleteller; talebearer; tattletale; telltale
        莫搬弄是非:    don’t wash your dirty linen in public
        长学问:    a learning experience
        求学问:    seek knowledge
        新学问:    new learning
        学问,知识:    learning
        学问的:    literary
        学问上:    academically; scientifically
        有学问:    learned
        知识、学问:    wisdom
        做学问:    do research
        搬弄是非的人:    tattler; tattletale



  1. "搬弄是非"英文
  2. "搬弄是非的人"英文
  3. "搬弄是非的言词, 挑起争端的言词"英文
  4. "搬弄是非者"英文
  5. "搬弄是非之人在一起"英文
  6. "搬起石头砸自己的脚"英文
  7. "搬迁"英文
  8. "搬迁补助"英文
  9. "搬迁车厂工作小组"英文
  10. "搬迁成本法"英文


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