

  • disclose
  • 揭露:    expose; unmask
  • 显露:    become visible; appear; mani ...
  • 显露,揭露:    bring sth to light
  • 揭露:    expose; unmask; ferret out; uncover; disclose; show up; lay bare; bring to light 揭露丑闻 reveal [publish] a scandal; 揭露暗藏的敌特分子 ferret out hidden enemy agents; 揭露其真面目 expose sb.'s true colors; show sb. up for what he is; unveil the actual role of; 揭露事物的本质 uncover [unveil] the essence of things; 揭露无余 give plain truth; completely unmask; 揭露阴谋 expose one's plot; 揭露真相 betray the fact; uncover the truth; 他们揭露了这次战争的真实目的。 they exposed the true aims of the war. 这条新闻的揭露震惊了公众。 the new's disclosure shocked the public
  • 显露:    become visible; appear; manifest itself; flowering; [机械工程] relieving 显露出个性 unfold one's personality; 显露自己的天才 display one's genius; 显露自己的身份 discover oneself; 她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。 fear was manifest on her face.; 显露气孔 phaneropore; 显露前期 prepatent period


        揭露:    expose; unmask
        显露:    become visible; appear; mani ...
        显露,揭露:    bring sth to light
        揭露:    expose; unmask; ferret out; uncover; disclose; show up; lay bare; bring to light 揭露丑闻 reveal [publish] a scandal; 揭露暗藏的敌特分子 ferret out hidden enemy agents; 揭露其真面目 expose sb.'s true colors; show sb. up for what he is; unveil the actual role of; 揭露事物的本质 uncover [unveil] the essence of things; 揭露无余 give plain truth; completely unmask; 揭露阴谋 expose one's plot; 揭露真相 betray the fact; uncover the truth; 他们揭露了这次战争的真实目的。 they exposed the true aims of the war. 这条新闻的揭露震惊了公众。 the new's disclosure shocked the public
        显露:    become visible; appear; manifest itself; flowering; [机械工程] relieving 显露出个性 unfold one's personality; 显露自己的天才 display one's genius; 显露自己的身份 discover oneself; 她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。 fear was manifest on her face.; 显露气孔 phaneropore; 显露前期 prepatent period
        revelation揭露:    revelation revelation
        发现,揭露:    unearth
        揭露, 泄露:    lift the curtain on; lift the curtain over; raise the curtain on; raise the curtain over
        揭露,揭发:    expose (a crime)
        揭露;暴露:    expose v. make known
        揭露的:    exposed
        揭示,揭露:    disclose; reveal
        显现,揭露:    reveal
        暴露,显露:    expose
        出现,显露:    appearance
        使显露:    bring out; disclose; reveal: to bring to view; show by uncovering
        显露出:    bring down; bring out; take on
        显露的:    exposed; revealable
        显露期:    appearance time; patent period
        暴露,揭露;曝光:    exposure
        被揭露为:    stand confessed as
        出版;生产;揭露:    bring out
        公开揭露:    public exposure
        积极揭露者:    active reveater
        揭穿,揭发,揭露:    expose


  1. "揭露, 泄露, 发觉, 默示, 启示"英文
  2. "揭露,揭发"英文
  3. "揭露,使暴露"英文
  4. "揭露;暴露"英文
  5. "揭露;出现;使丢脸"英文
  6. "揭露暗藏的敌特分子"英文
  7. "揭露丑闻"英文
  8. "揭露的"英文
  9. "揭露敌人的一切伎俩"英文
  10. "揭露计划"英文


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