

  • improving access performance
  • 提高:    raise; heighten; enhance; in ...
  • 访问:    visit; call on; interview; a ...
  • 性能:    function; performance; prope ...
  • 可访问性:    accessibility; accessible; accessiblity
  • 实时访问性:    real-time accessibility


        提高:    raise; heighten; enhance; in ...
        访问:    visit; call on; interview; a ...
        性能:    function; performance; prope ...
        可访问性:    accessibility; accessible; accessiblity
        实时访问性:    real-time accessibility
        受控访问性:    controlled accessibility
        可访问性测度:    addressability measure
        可访问性倡议:    web accessibility initiative
        声明的可访问性:    declared accessibility
        提高的性能:    augmented performance
        性能提高:    performance buildup
        飞行性能提高:    performance expansion
        提高产品性能:    enhance product function; enhance product performance
        来提高机械性能:    uvtp
        提高土壤渗透性能:    increasing soil permeability
        提高土壤吸收性能:    increaing absorbing power
        提高:    raise; heighten; enhance; increase; improve; raising; lifting, up- grading; enhancement; hoist (ing) 提高工作效率 raise working efficiency; 提高经济效益 increase economic efficiency; improvement of economic results; 提高人民生活水平 raise the living standards of the people; 提高为农村服务的自觉性 enhance the consciousness to serve the countryside; 提高政治觉悟 heighten one's political consciousness; 提高业务水平 heighten one's vocational level; improve one's professional skill; 提高分析问题和解决问题的能力 heighten one's ability of analysing and solving problems; 提高标价 markup; 提高贷款利息 marking up loans; 提高等级 upgrade; 提高地位 promote; 提高货币价值 raise the value of money; 提高票面价值 increase the par value; 提高认识 deepen the understanding; 提高商品档次 improve commodity quality; 提高贴现率 increase in the discount rate; 提高投资效益 increase investment returns; 提高土壤肥力 increasing of soil fertility; 提高效率 potentiation; get on the stick; get on with it; 提高帐面值 write up; 提高职工素质 improve the quality of the labour force; 提高质量 improve the quality
        顾问性工作:    consultancy job
        访问:    visit; call on; interview; access; addressing; reference to 非正式访问 an unofficial visit; 正式访问 an official visit; 国事访问 state visit; 私人访问 private visit; 友好访问 friendly visit; goodwill visit; 访问革命圣地延安 visit yan'an, sacred place of the revolution; 进行礼节性的访问 pay a complimentary [courtesy] visit; 记者访问了这位战斗英雄。 a reporter interviewed the combat hero. 他目前正在英国作短期访问。 he is now on a brief visit to england.; 访问存储器 reference to storage; 访问存储(器)指令 memory reference instruction; 访问单元 addressed location; 访问方法 access method; 访问 [客座]教授 visiting professor; 访问破坏 [计算机] access violation; 访问团 visiting mission; 访问违例 [计算机] access violation; 访问位 reference bit; 访问形式 access stencil; 访问学者 visiting scholar
        经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚:    ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment
        经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢:    ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment
        油性添加剂(提高润滑性能的添加剂):    oiliness additive
        增感法(使菲林提高感旋光性能):    hyper sensitizing
        经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器:    ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment
        经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器:    ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment


  1. "提高发动机功率"英文
  2. "提高反应器排出物空冷器的可靠性"英文
  3. "提高反应速度的练习"英文
  4. "提高房地产广告作用并减少成本"英文
  5. "提高防御和准确率"英文
  6. "提高非洲妇女地位的阿鲁沙战略"英文
  7. "提高肥力"英文
  8. "提高分析问题和解决问题的能力"英文
  9. "提高服务的技巧"英文
  10. "提高服务水平"英文


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