

发音:   用"提高学科"造句
  • enriched course


  1. Understanding disciplinary construction well programming disciplinary construction better
  2. An investigation by education department in 2000 reports middle school students in our country are generally lack of interest in math learning . therefore the motivation and promotion of the students " interest in math is significant to impel the " stuff education " and improve the teaching quality . the author impose her opinions on " interest in math learning basing on both the research in and out china and the teaching practice "
    据我国教育部基教司2000年调查报告显示,我国中学生一般都欠缺对数学学习的兴趣, “没有丝毫兴趣的强制性学习,将会扼杀学生探求真理的欲望” ,大力培养和促进学生的数学学习兴趣,对于推进学校的素质教育,提高学科教育质量,具有十分重要的现实意义。


        提高:    raise; heighten; enhance; in ...
        学科:    branch of learning; course; ...
        提高学生素质:    the study of the teaching method the improvement of the students' quality
        提高学生身心素质:    improve the health and ychological quality; improve the health and psychological quality
        提高学生整体素质:    jip
        提高学生的读、写、听说能力:    develop the students’ skill in reading, writing, listening and speaking
        对提高学生英语听说能力的初探:    a exploration on raising students' abilities of listening and speaking in english
        提高学习能力因素诊断测验:    fat
        测高学 测高学:    hypsography
        通过角色扮演法提高学生的跨文化交际意识:    on cultivating students' intercultural communicative awareness through role-play
        研究显示睡前故事帮助儿童提高学习成绩:    childrens test results helped by bedtime stories
        学科:    branch of learning; course; subject; discipline◇学科带头人 leaders in their chosen fields of learning
        测高学:    altimetric; altimetry; hypsography; hypsometry
        高学尔:    sumantra ghoshal
        高学海:    john edwin cardwell
        高学均:    ko hak kyoon; ko hak-kyoon
        高学军:    xue-jun gao
        高学平:    xue-ping gao
        高学全:    xue-quan gao
        高学兴:    gao xuexing
        高学志:    gau shyan-zhi
        高学琛:    gao xuechen
        提高:    raise; heighten; enhance; increase; improve; raising; lifting, up- grading; enhancement; hoist (ing) 提高工作效率 raise working efficiency; 提高经济效益 increase economic efficiency; improvement of economic results; 提高人民生活水平 raise the living standards of the people; 提高为农村服务的自觉性 enhance the consciousness to serve the countryside; 提高政治觉悟 heighten one's political consciousness; 提高业务水平 heighten one's vocational level; improve one's professional skill; 提高分析问题和解决问题的能力 heighten one's ability of analysing and solving problems; 提高标价 markup; 提高贷款利息 marking up loans; 提高等级 upgrade; 提高地位 promote; 提高货币价值 raise the value of money; 提高票面价值 increase the par value; 提高认识 deepen the understanding; 提高商品档次 improve commodity quality; 提高贴现率 increase in the discount rate; 提高投资效益 increase investment returns; 提高土壤肥力 increasing of soil fertility; 提高效率 potentiation; get on the stick; get on with it; 提高帐面值 write up; 提高职工素质 improve the quality of the labour force; 提高质量 improve the quality
        鲍斯高学校:    d. bosco college
        测高学的:    hypsographic; hypsometrical


  1. "提高效益"英文
  2. "提高效应"英文
  3. "提高辛烷值"英文
  4. "提高性欲"英文
  5. "提高蓄水量"英文
  6. "提高学生的读、写、听说能力"英文
  7. "提高学生身心素质"英文
  8. "提高学生素质"英文
  9. "提高学生整体素质"英文
  10. "提高学习能力因素诊断测验"英文


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