

发音:   用"提掖后进"造句
  • lead and support juniors; advance [promote] juniors
  • :    carry
  • :    support sb. by the arm help; ...
  • 后进:    lagging behind; less advance ...
  • 奖掖后进:    exhort and promote a newcomer
  • 诱掖后进:    help and encourage the younger generation


        :    carry
        :    support sb. by the arm help; ...
        后进:    lagging behind; less advance ...
        奖掖后进:    exhort and promote a newcomer
        诱掖后进:    help and encourage the younger generation
        后进:    lagging behind; less advanced; backward 后进赶先进。 the less advanced strives to catch up with the more advanced.; 后进生 backward pupil
        后进的:    junior
        后进给:    back feed
        后进生:    backward pupil
        后进者:    jr. =junior
        从背后进针:    purlwise p-wise
        后进部门:    lagging sector
        后进赶先进:    the less advanced strives to catch up with the more advanced
        后进后出:    last in,last out; lilo last-in last-out
        后进还存法:    last-in still-here
        后进教会:    younger churches
        后进留库法:    last-in still-here method
        后进气道:    aft inlet
        后进未出法:    last-in ,still-here method
        后进先出:    [计算机] last-in first-out◇后进先出表 last-in first-out list; push-down list; 后进先出存储器 last-in first-out store; push-down storage; push-down store; nesting storage; running accumulator; 后进先出存储区 cellar; 后进先出堆栈 push down stock; 后进先出寄存器 push-down register
        后进先出表:    last in first out list; last-in first-out list; lifo list; push down list
        后进先出法:    first-in still-here; first-out, last in method; fish/lifo (fist-in,still-here); fish/lifo fist-in still-here; last in first out; last-come first served; last-in first-out method,lifo; last-in method; last-in, first-out (lifo) method; last-in, first-out or lifo; last-in,first-out, lifo; lifo (lifo) last in, first out; lifo last in, first out; lifo(last-in, first out) n; lost-in, first-out or lifo; method of last-in, first-out; next in first out method; next-in first-out method
        后进先出栈:    last-in first-out stack; push-down stack
        后进现存法:    last in on hand
        接收后进入:    access after taking over


  1. "提耶杜山"英文
  2. "提耶尔"英文
  3. "提耶荷索敌"英文
  4. "提耶斯"英文
  5. "提也波洛"英文
  6. "提液"英文
  7. "提液机"英文
  8. "提一个篮子"英文
  9. "提一世"英文
  10. "提一桶"英文


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