It reveals that 30 % acidulous grain alcohol is suitable , superior in the pigment dissolving 结果表明: 30 %酸性乙醇是美国地锦色素的较好提取剂。
The structure of the extract was determined by ir , and the spectrogram is accordant to standard product 考察了提取剂的含水量、浸泡时间、原料性质和原料预处理方法等因素对提取的影响,获得了最佳提取条件。
To the terrain like jiaolongzhang area , hoac should be less than 2 % to extract carbonates and nh4c1 should be less than 1 % 在类似于蛟龙掌半干旱黄土覆盖景观区,醋酸提取剂浓度应小于或等于2 ,氯化铵浓度小于或等于1 。
Therefore , to use the weak signal extraction technique in overburden approportely , we should decide the extraction procedures after thoroughly test 因此,在覆盖区应用弱信息提取方法时,应结合景观和样品特征,采用实验方法确定合适的提取剂浓度。
When extraction solvent acetic acid to alcohol ratio was 1 : 5 , solid to liquid ratio was 1 : 15 , 40 , 36hours , the bacteriostasis of chilli extraction was best 当提取剂中乙酸:乙醇为1 : 5 ,固液比为1 : 15 ,提取温度为40 ,时间为36小时辣椒提取物的抑茵效果最佳。