

  • flash-forward
  • 提前:    shift to an earlier date; mo ...
  • 叙述:    narrate; recount; relate; ac ...
  • 未来:    coming; approaching; next; f ...
  • 事件:    event; incident
  • 提前叙述:    flash-forward


        提前:    shift to an earlier date; mo ...
        叙述:    narrate; recount; relate; ac ...
        未来:    coming; approaching; next; f ...
        事件:    event; incident
        提前叙述:    flash-forward
        未来事件:    future events
        取决于未来事件的请求权, 附带要求:    contingent cliam
        设计我的未来事业:    plan my future career
        未来事物的面貌:    when the sleeper waked the shape of things to come
        对未来事物等说得很乐观:    paint something in bright colors; paint something in lively colors
        对事件作亲眼所见的叙述:    give an eye witness account of the incident
        叙述:    narrate; recount; relate; account; give an account of; description 目击者的叙述 an eye-witness account; 清晰而连贯的叙述 a clear and consecutive narrative; 笛福生动地叙述了鲁浜逊克鲁索在荒岛上的冒险故事。 defoe skilfully narrated the adventures of robinson crusoe on his desert island. 他向法官叙述了那天下午发生的事情。 he narrated the events of the afternoon to the judge.; 叙述句 declarative sentence; 叙述式 narrative
        推测过去和未来的事件:    speculating about past and future events
        提前:    1.(往前移) shift to an earlier date; move up (a date); bring forward; advance 罢工的时间提前了。 the time for the strike has been moved up.2.(事先) in advance; ahead of time; ahead of schedule; beforehand 提前释放 release [discharge] before the sentence expires; 提前一个月完成计划 fulfil the plan a month ahead of time; 提前召开大会 convene the congress before the due date; 提前完成任务 fulfil [finish] the task ahead of schedule [time]; 开会时间如有变, 请提前告诉我们。 if there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us in advance.; 提前点火 advanced ignition; preignition; 提前时间 pre-set time; lead time; 提前退休金 early retirement benefits; 提前消费 anticipate; 提前完成生产指标 meet production target ahead of time; 提前支付 anticipation
        外来事故:    external causes
        未来:    1.(将要到来的) coming; approaching; next; future 在未来的岁月里 in the years to come; 未来的一年 the coming year; next year; 未来三日内将有暴风雪。 there will be a storm in three days.2.(将来) future; tomorrow 美好的未来 a glorious future; a bright future; 世界的未来 the world's tomorrow; 未来有着无限的希望。 the future holds limitless promise.; 未来城市 future city; 未来工业 futurity industry; 未来派 futurism; futurist; 未来趋势 future trend; 未来人 future-man; 未来世界 future world; 未来意识 future consciousness; 未来预报 predictions for future
        薄记往来事项:    bookkeeping transaction
        叙述;故事;叙述法:    narration
        s事件:    s event
        事件:    event; incident; événement 边境事件 border incident; 国际事件 international events; 意外事件 contingent event; 政治事件 political events; 是哪些关键性事件影响了1979年的能源状况? what key events influenced the energy situation in 1979
        计算;叙述:    account
        描写, 叙述:    depiction
        描写,叙述:    depict
        说明,叙述:    describe
        我叙述:    narro=i relate


  1. "提前消费"英文
  2. "提前写"英文
  3. "提前行动"英文
  4. "提前修正量"英文
  5. "提前叙述"英文
  6. "提前选择品种"英文
  7. "提前仰射角"英文
  8. "提前一层"英文
  9. "提前一个月完成计划"英文
  10. "提前一期的预测"英文


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