Powerpoint gives you many tools to deliver a presentation to a live audience Powerpoint提供了许多工具来向现场观众传递演示。
To administer the report server databases , sql server provides a variety of tools Sql server提供了许多工具用于管理报表服务器数据库。
Asp . net provides a number of tools for showing tabular data in a grid , including the Asp . net提供了许多工具来在网格中显示表格数据,例如
Although visual studio offers many tools and the power to accomplish almost every task , you may require an additional or finer level of control 虽然visual studio提供了许多工具和功能,几乎能够用来完成每项任务,但是您可能仍需要其他的或更好的控制。
Although visual studio offers developers many tools and the power to accomplish almost every task , some developers require an additional or finer level of control 虽然visual studio向开发人员提供了许多工具和功能,几乎能够用来完成每项任务,但是有些开发人员仍需要附加的或更好的控件。
提供: provide; supply; furnish; of ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...许多: many; much; a great deal of; ...工具: tool; means; implement; appl ...这给许多人提供了生计: it affords a livelihood to a great number of people做了许多梦: dream much / a lot = dream many dreams提供了便利: offer convenience; provide convenience提供了指板: nail board走了许多路程: i drove for miles and miles提供了对双向: bluetooth class2向某人提供了: present sb with sth东壁写了许多字: zi发生了许多的事: coming up tales积累了许多经验: have accumulated much experience结识了许多朋友: have made a lot of friends卡车运回了许多砖: the truck had carried back many bricks他经历了许多磨难: he came through many difficulties他网了许多蝴蝶: he netted a lot of butterflies. cover as with a net控件提供了自画: owner draw你提供了最佳防: offer up your best defense它提供了一种实现: ebuisess提供了安全向导: security wizard提供了网络适应层: network adaptation layer提供了一个抽象层: abstraction layer提供了一个在远程: imap