描述: describe; represent一个: one; a; an困境: difficult position; predicam ...描述一个国家: describing countries描述一个过程: describing a processor or procedure描述一个物体: describing an object描述一个较远的地方: describing a distant place描述一个喜欢的零食: describing a favorite snack可以用来描述一个人缺少经验: now the word indicates a whole philosophy of life or a political opinion他描述一个满是恋人的山谷: he tell sofa valley full of lovers描述一下假日: describing holidays festivals customs and special events我是一个困惑的人: that i'm the one confused描述困境: describing a predicament详述一个题目: expatiate on a subject描述一战后的伦敦: mrs. dalloway in post-war london描述一段较短的路程: describing a place that is not too far away描述一下你的工作经验: describe your experience描述一些电影和书籍: describing movies and books困境: difficult position; predicament; straits; dilemma; on the horns of a dilemma; plight 摆脱困境 extricate oneself from a difficult position; 陷于困境 find oneself in a tight corner; land oneself a fix; find oneself in a woeful predicament; get trapped in; 处于困境的英镑 beleaguered pound sterling; 他们试图摆脱困境。 they try to find a way out of their dilemma. 我们应该帮助处于困境的朋友。 we should help the friends in difficulty [trouble]表述一个问题时精确到什么程度,如到类图: class diagram让我为你讲述一个可怜男孩的故事: let me tell you the story of a poor boy与兆示相关的另外一个概念是囚徒困境: prisoner’s dilemma描述了表单中的一个域: represents a field on a form描述: describe; represent 描述战况 give a description of the battle; 详细描述事情的经过 describe what happened in great detail; 你能将你看见的东西描述给我听吗? can you describe what you saw to [for] me概述一计画: describe a plan in outline