动词 1.(安排; 处置) arrange; manage; handle 短语和例子 不知所措 be at a loss what to do; be at one's wit's end; 惊慌失措 be seized with panic; be frightened out of one's wits2.(筹划) make plans 短语和例子 筹措款项 raise funds3.[书面语] (施行) execute; apply 4.[书面语] (废弃; 放弃) abandon 短语和例子 学之弗能, 弗措也。 if you find sth. difficult to learn, do not give up
If you find sth. difficult to learn , do not give up . 学之弗能,弗措也。
He looked like a wary beagle, his soft dark eyes watchful for the origin of the next blow . 他看起来像一头细心的措兔犬,他的柔和的黑眼睛警觉地注视着下一次打击的来源地。
Although hitler could not afford to resent it, all the world, as will be seen, understood the significance of the gesture . 虽然希特勒敢怒不敢言,但正如我们行将见到的,举世都了解这一举措的重大意义。
2000 exhibition in zofingen 2001 exhibition in kirchberg 2000年在瑞士措芬根参展
Taking effective measures for harnessing risky reserv oirs 多措并举治理水库病害
措阿尔: tsoar搓作一团: roll into a ball措埃: zoe搓纸捻: roll paper spills措埃贝贝: tsoebebe搓针: needle twisting; rotate the needle; twist or twirl the needle措安策: toanta搓澡: give sb. a rubdown with a damp towel (in a public bathhouse); scrub and wash措芭: coba搓圆机: rolling machine; rounder