接近: be close to; near; approach巴结: curry favour with; fawn on; ...向: direction求爱: pay court to; woo; court向…求爱: make ufor; make uto诗句, 诗, 向, 朝, 将近, 接近: vers求爱: pay court to; woo; court 向女人献殷勤求爱 pay court to a woman; 他一直在向她求爱。 he has been courting her向: Ⅰ名词1.(方向) direction 风向 wind direction; 不知去向 do not know where (he; it) went; be nowhere to be found; 人心所向 (the trend of) popular sentiment2.[书面语] (朝北的窗子) the window facing north3.(姓氏) a surname 向秀 xiang xiuⅡ动词1.(对着) face; turn towards 向日葵向着太阳。 the sunflower turns towards the sun. 这间房子向东。 this room faces east.2.(偏袒) take sb.'s part; side with; be partial to 向理不向人 stand by what is right, not by a particular person; side with whoever is right; 你老是向着他。 you always take his side.Ⅲ介词(表示动作的方向) towards 从胜利走向胜利 march from victory to victory; 向上级汇报工作 report to one's superior on one's work; 向外国教师学习英语 learn english from [with; under] a foreign teacher; 向纵深发展 develop in depth; 向广大客商提供优良服务 provide clients with excellent service; 地球由西向东旋转。 the earth turns round from west to east.Ⅳ副词(向来) always; all along 向无此例。there's no precedent for this接近: 1.(靠近; 相距不远) be close to; near; approach 接近世界先进水平 approach the advanced world level; 接近最高水平 approach the topmost level; 容易接近 be easy of access; 经过双方会谈, 我们双方的立场大大接近了。 the positions of our two sides have become much closer after the talks.2.[天文学] approach; approximation; application; access; vicinity; parallelism; proximity; encounter; pros-巴结: (奉承; 讨好) curry favour with; fawn on; flatter; make up to; try hard to please sb.: 巴结上司 be obsequious to one's superiors; 巴结到一笔钱 manage to come by certain sum of money; 奴才巴结主子。 underlings fawn on their bosses求爱, 调戏: play the gallant求爱信: i loveyou; love letter求爱者: beaux; wooer追求,求爱: go after求爱, 求婚, 求爱时期: courtship向…方,向…侧: ad女友求爱记: oh happy day求爱x档案: the mating habits of the earthbound human求爱表示: courtship display求爱别动队: strive for love求爱反斗星: crazy romance求爱敢死队: how to pick girls up求爱姐妹花: snakes &求爱俱乐部: herman u.s.a求爱情圣: loving jezebel