

  • receive caustics
  • 接收:    receive; reception; accept; ...
  • :    break up; disperse
  • :    burnt; scorched; charred
  • 关闭:    close; shut; shut off; paral ...
  • 散焦:    astigmatism; debunching; defocusing; focus out; focus-out; misfocusing


        接收:    receive; reception; accept; ...
        :    break up; disperse
        :    burnt; scorched; charred
        关闭:    close; shut; shut off; paral ...
        散焦:    astigmatism; debunching; defocusing; focus out; focus-out; misfocusing
        关闭信号接收机:    cutoff receiver
        散焦使散焦:    defocus
        关闭:    1.(使开着的物体合拢) close; shut; shut off; paralyse; gag; occlude; cut off:关闭门窗 close the doors and windows; 关闭船上的舱盖 close down the hatches of a ship; 那个国家的军事首脑们关闭了进一步和平谈判的大门。 that country's military leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks.2.(企业、学校等歇业或停办) close down; shut down 由于燃料不足, 那个国家很多小厂都关闭了。 many small plants in that country closed down for lack of fuel. 他们威胁着要关闭这家工厂。 they threatened to shut down the factory
        微分吸收散射:    differential absorption scattering
        内散焦:    internal defocusing
        热散焦:    thermaldefocussing
        散焦,去焦:    defocusing
        散焦的:    out of focus
        散焦区:    region of defocusing
        散焦像:    defocused image; mifocused image; miskfocusing
        使散焦:    defocus
        自散焦:    self-defocusing
        光吸收散射浊度计:    turbidimeter by light absorption scattering
        接收:    1.(收受) receive; reception; accept; [电学] receipt; receiving 接收无线电信号 receive radio signals; 接收效果良好的收音机 a radio set that receives well; 这里电视节目的接收情况不佳。 reception of tv programmes is unsatisfactory here.2.(接管) take over; expropriate 接收这一家工厂 take over this factory3.(接纳) admit 接收新会员 recruit new members; 接收报价 receiving quotation; 接收变换 receiving conversion; 接收波段 receiving wave range; 接收抽样 acceptance sampling; 接收电路 receiving circuit; 接收放大器 reception amplifier; receiving amplifier; 接收功率 received power; 接收灵敏度 receiving sensitivity; 接收能量 received energy; 接收器 receptor; acceptor; bin; receptacle;接收设备 receiving equipment; 接收台 receiving station; 接收天线 receiving antenna; receiving wire; 接收信号 receipt signal; 接收性能 receptivity; 接收仪式 takeover ceremony; 接收站 receiving station; accepting station; 接收质量 quality of reception; 接收装置 receiving system; receiving magazine
        产生散焦:    grenerate caustics
        电离层散焦:    ionospheric defocusing
        调制散焦:    modulation defocusing
        开始做散焦:    let's start doing caustics
        内自散焦:    internal self-defocusing
        偏转散焦:    deflection defocusing


  1. "接收取样开关"英文
  2. "接收全部更新时"英文
  3. "接收人"英文
  4. "接收容限"英文
  5. "接收弱"英文
  6. "接收扫描器"英文
  7. "接收商品入库"英文
  8. "接收设备"英文
  9. "接收设备手册"英文
  10. "接收设备通用技术条件"英文


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