接受: accept; acceptance; receptio ...教练: train; drill; coach的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...暗号: secret signal; countersign; ...进行: be in progress; be underway; ...攻守: offensive and defensive进行攻讦: rack up sb.'s past and attack himexpose sb.'s past misdeeds be on the marchmarchadvanceproceed接受教导: receive in instruction接受教训: learn a lesson接受教育: to receive education接受教区救济: go on the parish; go to the parish接受别人的暗示, 领会: take a hint接受教育的渴望: thirst for education接受教育机会平等: equal opportunity for education一个女教练的自述: a female coach’s words攻守: offensive and defensive 互有攻守 each side has had its gains and losses; now one side and then the other is on the offensive; 攻守结合型打法 defensive-offensive play暗号: secret signal [sign]; countersign; cipher; code signal; secret password对传统观念进行攻击的: iconoclastic受教: learn对信号进行加法或减法运算: add; subtract通过电话线传送信号进行联系的电话: telefacsimile没有比接受教育更重要的事: nothing is more important than to receive education教练: 1.(训练) train; drill; coach; practise 持枪教练 drill with weapons; 徒手教练 drill without weapons2.(教练员) coach; trainer; instructor 足球教练 football coach; 教练兼队员 playing coach; 教练车 learner-driven vehicle; 教练弹 dummy shell [bullet]; dummy ammunition; training projectile; practice projectile; dummy projectile; dummy; 教练地雷 practice mine; 教练房 drill hall; 教练机 trainer aircraft; trainer; 教练舰[船] drill ship; school ship; training ship; 教练设备 trainer; 教练员 coach; instructor; trainer 暗号,口令。: alarm-word打暗号: [方言] give a secret signal