Applications of laparoscopy in the acute abdomen report of 52 cases 腹腔镜探查术在诊断不明急腹症中的应用体会附52例报告
Value of choledochoscopy for laparoscopic bile duct exploration : a report of 334 cases 胆道镜在腹腔镜胆道探查术中的应用价值附334例报告
A pre - operative diagnosis of colonic diverticulitis complicated with intra - abdominal abscess was made and a laparotomy was done 术前的诊断为结肠憩室炎并发腹内脓疡,因而为此病患施行剖腹探查术。
Conservative treatment for this condition is recommended except for frank rupture of the renal pelvis or ureter and formation of a perirenal abscess 外科医师唯有对此病有所认知,才能早期诊断与治疗并减少不必要的剖腹探查术。
探查: search; expedition术: art; skill; technique胆道探查术: exploration of biliary tract蝶窦探查术: exploration of sphenoid sinus动脉探查术: exploration of artery额窦探查术: exploration of frontal sinus二次探查术: second look operation鼓室探查术: exploration of tympanum; exploratory tympanotomy; tympanotomy关节探查术: exploration of joint肌探查术: exploration of muscle肌腱探查术: exploration of tendon筋膜探查术: exploration of fascia静脉探查术: exploration of vein开腹探查术: exploratory laparotomy开眶探查术: exploratory orbitotomy开颅探查术: exploratory craniotomy泪囊探查术: exploration of lacrimal sac泪腺探查术: exploration of lacrimal gland剖腹探查术: exploratory laparotomy剖胸探查术: exploratory thoracotomy剖腰探查术: exlo rato ry lumbo tomy; exploratory lumbotomy筛窦探查术: exploration of ethmoid sinus神经探查术: exploration of nerve肾探查术: renal exploration腕管探查术: exploration of carpal tunnel