Application form for art studio music practice room 排练厅舞蹈练习室美术室音乐练习室订租申请表
Rehearsal hall dance practice room art studios music practice rooms 排练厅舞蹈练习室美术室音乐练习室
Sheung wan civic centre - booking application form for rehearsal hall dance practice room art studio music practice room 上环文娱中心-排练厅/舞蹈练习室/美术室/音乐练习室订租申请表
Teaching facility is excellent , with some special field room , such as computer room , art room , experimental rooms , piano rooms , rehearsing room and so on 教育教学设施齐全,配有计算机房、美术教室、理化生实验室、钢琴房、排练厅等专业教室。
Sheung wan civic centre , which is one of the subsidiary community arts centres under the leisure and cultural services department , offers 9 hiring units : theatre , lecture hall , exhibition hall , rehearsal hall , dance practice room , art studio 1 2 and music practice room 1 2 . all are suitable for various types of cultural and arts activities 上环文娱中心是康乐及文化事务署辖下的社区文娱中心之一,中心设施完善,备有剧院,演讲厅,展览厅,排练厅,舞蹈练习室,美术室1及2及音乐练习室1及2 ,适合不同类型的活动,欢迎市民租用。
排练: rehearse厅: hall排练: rehearse 排练节目 have a rehearsal; 排练剧中的角色 rehearse a part in a play; 排练厅 studio排练,预演: rehearsal排练;彩排: rehearsal排练场: rehearsal room演习;排练。: dummy run总排练: general rehearsal草率排练: walk-through带机排练: rehearsal on camera带景排练: rehearse on set加插的排练: run-in rehearsal排练场地: rehearsal venue排练导师: rehearsal master排练话剧: rehearse a play排练节目: have a rehearsal排练新剧: rehearse a new play排练用景片: rehearsal flat排练之后: efter repetitionen反复练习, 排练, 不间断地排练: run over sth开拍前的排练: walk-through彩排室;排练室;排演室: rehearsal room排练剧中的角色: rehearse a part in a play碰倒;撞倒;(车)压死;溢出;排练;查阅: run over无详述,不复述,不排练: no rehearsal