

发音:   用"排斥区"造句
  • zone of exclusion
  • 排斥:    repel; exclude; reject; ejec ...
  • :    H region; H
  • 排斥:    repel; exclude; reject; eject; discriminate against; repulsion; aversion 排斥态度 an attitude of exclusion; 排斥打击, 百般刁难 thwart, spurn and attack; 排斥一切 exclude and reject all; 竞争排斥 competition exclusion
  • 磁排斥:    magnetic repulsion
  • 带排斥:    band repulsion


        排斥:    repel; exclude; reject; ejec ...
        :    H region; H
        排斥:    repel; exclude; reject; eject; discriminate against; repulsion; aversion 排斥态度 an attitude of exclusion; 排斥打击, 百般刁难 thwart, spurn and attack; 排斥一切 exclude and reject all; 竞争排斥 competition exclusion
        磁排斥:    magnetic repulsion
        带排斥:    band repulsion
        抵制,排斥:    repel
        防排斥:    antirejection
        核排斥:    nuclear repulsion
        互斥,排斥:    exclusive
        排斥,拒绝:    repel
        排斥场:    repulsion field; repulsive field
        排斥带:    exclusion band
        排斥的:    repellent; repulsive
        排斥法:    repelling attack
        排斥结:    repulsive junction
        排斥力:    force of repulsion; repellant; repellent force; repelling force; repulsion force; repulsive force
        排斥门:    rejection gate
        排斥能:    repulsive energy
        排斥势:    repulsive potential
        排斥术:    repulsion
        排斥性:    repellence; repellency
        排斥域:    region of rejection
        排斥着:    to the exclusion of; totheexclusionof
        排斥子:    repellor
        受排斥:    suffer ostracism


  1. "排斥力"英文
  2. "排斥门"英文
  3. "排斥门,或非门"英文
  4. "排斥能"英文
  5. "排斥其他地"英文
  6. "排斥任选"英文
  7. "排斥肾切除术"英文
  8. "排斥势"英文
  9. "排斥属性"英文
  10. "排斥术"英文


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