捧: hold or carry in both hands著: outstanding; notable; striki ...握: hold; grasp; take by the han ...握著装: hold握著我的手: hold my hands我知谁掌握著明天: i now who holds tomorrow捧着: birthday cake; sth. in one’s hands捧物: to bear or offer gifts in both hands捧着一个大碗: hold a big bowl in both hands捧社会名流: lionism捧哏: (of the supporting role in a cross talk) help the leading role make the audience laugh with words or expressions捧上压下: fawn on one's superiors and bully one's subordinates碰: 动词1.(一物体突然接触另一物体; 撞击) touch; bump 把墨水瓶碰翻了 knock the ink-bottle over; 在事实面前碰得头破血流 butt one's head against a wall of hard facts; 他绕桌子走了一圈, 和所有的外宾都碰了杯。 he walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests. 屋子里很黑,我(的头) 碰到了门上。 the room was dark and i bumped (my head) against [on] the door. 他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。 he hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.2.(碰见; 遇到) meet; run into 在街上碰到一个熟人 run [bump] into an acquaintance in the street; 我没碰着他。 i didn't see him. 我在路上碰到你妹妹了。 i met your sister on the way. 他们再次碰到了麻烦。 again they got into trouble.3.(试探 ) try one's luck; take one's chance 碰碰机会 take a chance; 你去碰碰看,他也许在家。 you may go and try your luck, he may be at home.4.(开短会) meet to discuss 咱们碰一下各组讨论的情况。 let's meet and review briefly each group's discussion捧上天去: to praise to the skies碰岸比近: lag for break捧上天: praise sb. to the skies