

  • subscribe
  • 捐献:    contribute; donate; present
  • 订购:    order; place an order for st ...
  • 捐献:    contribute (to an organization); donate; present 捐献一笔巨款 contribute a big sum of money; 他把全部藏书捐献给图书馆。 he presented his whole collection of books to the library
  • 订购:    order (goods); place an order for sth.; send for 他们订购了大量农具。 they ordered quantities of farm implements. 我向他们订购了500双鞋。 i placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.; 订购货品 indent goods; 订购目录 subcription list (订购或订户的记录或名单)
  • 贡献,捐献:    contribution


        捐献:    contribute; donate; present
        订购:    order; place an order for st ...
        捐献:    contribute (to an organization); donate; present 捐献一笔巨款 contribute a big sum of money; 他把全部藏书捐献给图书馆。 he presented his whole collection of books to the library
        订购:    order (goods); place an order for sth.; send for 他们订购了大量农具。 they ordered quantities of farm implements. 我向他们订购了500双鞋。 i placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.; 订购货品 indent goods; 订购目录 subcription list (订购或订户的记录或名单)
        贡献,捐献:    contribution
        捐献,集资:    chiin = contribute money
        捐献给:    be donated to
        捐献国:    contributing countries; donor country
        捐献箱:    contribution box
        捐献者:    donor; subscriber
        捐赠;捐献:    donate
        捐资, 捐献:    contribute v
        订购,下单:    place an order
        订购单:    order blank; order form noun; p/o (pruchase order); purchase orders; subscription warrant
        订购点:    order point,op
        订购卡:    order action card
        订购量:    on order quantity; quantity ordered
        订购书:    order for purchase
        订购信:    letter of placing an order
        订购者:    subscriber
        订货;订购:    book; booking; book; booking
        三章 订购:    placing an order
        已订购:    be on order; on order
        再订购:    reorder
        财产捐献:    contribution of property; contributionofproperty


  1. "捐税转稼"英文
  2. "捐税转嫁"英文
  3. "捐五百万元给慈善机构"英文
  4. "捐嫌修好"英文
  5. "捐献"英文
  6. "捐献,集资"英文
  7. "捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿"英文
  8. "捐献分摊"英文
  9. "捐献给"英文
  10. "捐献国"英文


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