多挣钱: earn more money; make more money赚钱;挣钱: make money动脑筋挣钱: coin one's brains闲逛挣钱: hiking money挣钱糊口: earn one's crust挣钱养家: earn money to support one's family用正当手段挣钱, 凭劳动挣钱: earn an honest shilling; make an honest penny; make an honest shilling; turn an honest penny; turn an honest shilling干什么都挣钱: mr. wang has the midas touch: everything he does turns to gold老老实实挣钱: turn an honest penny挣钱容易,积钱难: it is easier to get money than to keep it挣钱维持生计: earn one's living挣钱养家的人: bread-earner; breadwinner根本无暇顾及挣钱: although he was a wealthy man by the time he was forty-two规规矩矩地 挣钱生活: earn an honest livelihood家庭主要挣钱人: a principal earner卖东西给某人挣钱: offer sb. sth.for money谋生, 挣钱度日, 维持生活: make a living钱能毁了挣钱的人: money can unmake its makers找借口还是挣钱: make excuses or make money这年头挣钱不容易: money is hard to earn these days挣钱容易攒钱难: it is easier to get money than to keeit; it is easy to be wise after the event人生的主要目的不是为了挣钱。: the chief aim of man is not to get money.〖hotline以正当的手段凭努力工作挣钱: earn/turn an honest penny earn money by working hard and fairly在现在家庭中父母都挣钱养家: both the father and the mother earn money for the family in a modern family挣命: struggle to keep a living挣零花钱: earn their pocket money
挣钱的法语:gagner de l'argent挣钱的日语:かねをかせぐ 金 をかせぐ挣钱的韩语:[동사] (애써서) 돈을 벌다. 挣钱养家; 돈을 벌어 가족을 부양하다挣钱的俄语:pinyin:zhèngqián зарабатывать挣钱什么意思:获取收入。 ▶ 冯玉忠 《形势问题对话录》: “一个民族不怕挣钱多, 就怕挣钱易。”