- contractural diathesis
- 挛缩: contracture
- 素质: quality
- 掌腱膜挛缩素质: palmar fascia contracture diathesis
- 素质: 1.(事物本来的性质; 素养) quality 提高文化素质 enhance the cultural quality; intrinsic qulalifications: 有学习语言的素质 have an aptitude for language; 他具有优秀音乐家的各种素质。 he has all the makings of a fine musician. 妇女参政应由他们的素质来确定。 the participation of women in politics should be decided by their intrinsic qualifications.2.[医学] diathesis3.[心理学] disposition procatarxis; timber
- 胆囊收缩素: cholecystokinin(cck); cholecystokinin, cck; pancreozymin