On japanese print - on - demand market survey 日本按需印刷市场概况
The company could not develop without modern advances . recommended by fuji xerox , guangzhou post advertising info ltd , felt that short - notice , individualized printing in accordance with demand was part of a chain of service which should be optimized and pursued . and because the company itself deals with advertising , and is comparatively familiar with the market and having a technology base , it purchased a dc40 in 2000 , and a dc2060 a year after 公司要发展离不开现代化的设备,经富士施乐的推荐,广州邮政广告信息有限公司觉得短版个性化按需印刷是应该完善和加强的一个服务环节,再加上本身就是从事广告行业的,对市场比较了解的,也有一定的技术基础,于是在2000年就先买了一台dc40 ,一年后又添置了一台dc2060 。
The organizing committee of on demand china 2007 is dedicating to creating a top - level communication platform that enables all vendors and costumers in the chinese market to easily access the latest digital printing technology , products , solutions , as well as share experiences and knowledge 作为中国首个聚焦按需印刷技术的展会,它的举办将为中国的印刷从业者带来了世界尖端的数码按需印刷技术、产品以及解决方案,创造了一个获取印艺新知的窗口,更为国内外厂商提供了一个交流经验和技术的平台。
Chapter one presents the overviews of network publishing and network publishing industry , including the definition , feature , advantage and phylogeny . chapter two demonstrates the significance of developing network publishing industry in china and focuses our attention on three important forms of network publishing : electronic book , print - on - demand and digital library to analyze existing problems and obstacles 第二章,阐述了中国网络出版产业发展的重大意义,分别介绍了电子图书、按需印刷、数字图书馆这三种图文类网络出版形式的特点、国内外发展的状况和中国目前存在的问题,并分析了制约中国网络出版业发展的宏观和微观因素。
按: press; push down需: need; want; require印刷: print; printing; printing ou ...按需印刷 依需印刷 按量印刷: on-demand printing依需印刷: on-demand printing依需印刷 依需印刷、随客意印刷 按量印刷: on-demand printing按需: a r as required; as required as desired按需要: replace o rings as required印刷: print; printing; printing(-) out; black and white 彩色印刷 coloured printing; 第一次印刷 first printing; 立体印刷 stereoscopic printing; three-dimensional printing; 用斜体字印刷 print in italics; 铅版印刷 print with stereotypes; 这本书印刷精美, 装帧高雅。 the book is beautifully printed and artistically bound.; 印刷厂 printing house; press; printworks; printing plant; printing office; 印刷错误 misprint; typographic error; 印刷电路 printed circuit; printed wiring; plated circuit; 印刷工人 pressman; 印刷工业 printing industry; 印刷品 printed matter; typophile; black and white; printer's ink; literature; print (尤指出版物); sheet; 印刷线路板 printed substrate; printed-wiring board; 印刷用纸 printing; litho; 印刷油墨 printing ink; printer's ink; 印刷字体 type face 按需打蝇按需出版: pod (print on demand); print on demand按需拨号: dod dial on demand按需传送: demand staging按需传真: fod按需打印: print on demand按需调用: call by need按需定货: lot for lot按需订货: lot for lot按需订货法: lot for lot按需读出: [自动化] demand reading按需分配: distribution according to one's needs; to each according to one's needs 共产主义社会的分配原则是“各尽所能”, “按需分配”。 the principle of distribution in communist society is “from each according to his ability”and “to each according to his needs”.; 按需分配多址 demand assignment multiple access (dama)按需分配区: demand assignment pool按需分配制: demand assignment system按需服务: on demand按需呼叫: on - demand call按需活瓣: demand valve