Research in philosophy of language : state of the art 指称语义的研究
Equivalence proving of operational and denotational semantics about repeat - until statement 语句的操作语义与指称语义的等价性证明
The main work included : the classical lambda calculus was modified to describe the character of dynamic fuzzy ; the abstract syntax of dfl programming language was described through bnf notation ; an operational semantics model of dfl programming language was proposed with a ternary array < dfsc , dfo , dfss > and then some basic data types and several mechanisms of constructing new data types were defined ; the frame of dfl progaramming language was provided ; it was described how to solve some problems applying the operational semantics model ; the correctness and reliability of the operational semantics model were proved by hoare logic and denotational semantics 主要内容包括:变形传统的演算,以更好地描述具有动态模糊性的问题;通过bnf描述了dfl程序设计语言的抽象语法;通过一个三元组< dfsc , dfo , dfss >给出了dfl程序设计语言的操作语义模型;给出了dfl程序设计语言的基本框架结构;给出了该操作语义模型的一些应用实例;通过hoare逻辑和基本指称语义对本文所定义的操作语义模型的正确性和可靠性进行了证明。由此可见,本文从全新的角度定义了一种可以处理动态模糊问题的程序设计语言。
21 majster - cederbaum m , salger f . towards the hierarchical verification of reactive systems . theoretical computer science , 2004 , 318 : 243 - 296 . 22 winskel g . an introduction to event structures . lecture notes in computer science 354 , 1989 , pp . 364 - 397 . 23 hoare c a r . communicating sequential processes , prentice - hall , 1985 本文分别在语法和语义层次上对动作精化进行了定义,并证明了这两个层次的动作精化在前述两种等价关系下,关于一种基于完全偏序的指称语义是一致的。