指挥: command; direct; conduct家: family; household的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...抉择: choose合唱指挥家的: cantorial指挥家: cantor; conducting; conductor; midfield maestros绝望的抉择: her desperate choice玛莉的抉择: mary's choice玛丽的抉择: mary's choice猫的抉择: choice of a cat明智的抉择: a sensible suggestion母亲的抉择: mother's choice limited去留的抉择: attends ou va t'en苏菲的抉择: sophie's choice痛苦的抉择: a somber task直板的抉择: x108 vs g650没哭声的抉择: boys don't cry舍不得的抉择: the deep end of the ocean苏菲亚的抉择: sophie's choice索蜜娅的抉择: suo miya’s choice迪图瓦(指挥家): charles dutoit合唱指挥家: cantor领导者;指挥家: conductor指挥家列表: list of conductors负向倾斜的抉择: negatively sloped trade-off