持: hold; grasp豁达: open and clear generous or m ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...观点: point of view; viewpoint; st ...豁达的: elastic; generous豁达的天空: sling blade保护的观点: preservation viewpoint不同的观点: different point of view陈旧的观点: outmoded notion发展的观点: development viewpoint公认的观点: received view关系的观点: human relations view机构的观点: institutional perspective明确的观点: focused vision偏执的观点: bigoted views片面的观点: one-sided view微软的观点: the view from microsoft我的观点是: in my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve purpose; my point is that相反的观点: contrary views; opposite views庸俗的观点: philistinism中立的观点: neutral point of view中性的观点: npov反潮流的观点: a crosscurrent of opinion against the prevailing vieww根据,依照,从…的观点: in (the) light of根据我的观点: from my point of view