持续: last; continue; sustain后: behind; back; rear像: likeness; portrait; picture后像: after image; afterimage; continuation image; ocular ectrum; ocular spectrum不连续后退: discontinuous retrogression续后工作: follow-up负后像: negative afterimage后像,余像: photogene正后像: positive after image主后像: primary after-image第一正后像,赫林后像: first positive afterimage附属后像,第二正后像: satellite afterimage持续: 1.(延续) last; continue; sustain 地震持续了大约两分钟。 the earthquake continued for about two minutes. 封锁可能要持续一段时间。 the blockade is likely to last for some time.2.(连续地) continued; sustained 生产的持续发展 sustained growth of production; 持续、 稳定、 协调的发展 stable, sustained and coordinated development; 使原油产量持续稳定上升 keep up a steady increase in the output of crude oil第二正后像: pursuant image of von kries; satellite image of hamaker第三正后像: third positive afterimage第四正后像: fourth positive afterimage黑灵后像: hering after image; hering afterimagee互补后像: complementary after image; complementary afterimagee皇后像广场: statue square记忆后像: memory afterimage克列斯后像: following image of von kries视觉后像: visual afterimage双眼后像: binocular afterimage条件性后像: conditioned afterimage同色后像: homochromatic afterimage